Now Is The Time…

March 22, 2010

Yes my friends, now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. This health care bill has passed. Now comes the time for legal action, civil disobedience and all other manners of opposition that we are legally entitled to as United States citizens. Now is the time for states to pass laws unbinding themselves from this burden that has been placed on their shoulders. Now is the time to call for the impeachment of Barack Obama for unconstitutional actions. Now is the time for citizens to refuse to adhere to an unconstitutional infringement upon their liberties. Now is the time for all good men to act.

Now is the time for Republicans and conservatives to restate their opposition to this bill and their commitment to having it repealed. Now is the time for Republicans to gear up to make sure that Barack Obama is a one term president. It is the time to ensure that Nancy Pelosi never again becomes the Speaker of the House, that once respectable house of the people that is now little more than an enclave of corruption, arm twisting and bribery, that once honorable institution that is now little more than a partisan playhouse wherein one party passes groundbreakingly bad legislation over the will of the people. Now is the time for all good men to act.

This bill will do nothing to address the problems with health care but will cause massive amounts of new problems. New government programs will allow for more red tape, less innovation, more taxes and worse care. This bill will provide federal funds for abortion despite Obama’s symbolic gesture of an executive order disallowing abortion funding. Stupak was duped and he screwed the American people with his vote. My prayer is that he will be replaced with a true pro-lifer. A conservative Republican. Now is the time for all good men to act.

Nothing we can say or do will remove the fact that socialist democrats have passed the most marxist, statist piece of legislation in the history of our proud Republic. But what we can say and do is repeal it before the damage is done. We must take this fight to the conservative Supreme Court and have it nullified by showing it’s true constitutional problems. This bill can be defeated even now, repealed, annulled, nullified. It can be and it should be. Let every Republican now raise his/her voice in support of taking this bill to the SCOTUS. It is the time for every Republican challenger and incumbent run on the repeal of this monstrosity. Now is the time for all good men to act.

I watched the whole spectacle yesterday. Starting at 1:30 in the afternoon I watched as Pelosi and co. were heckled by angry protesters all the way up to 11:45 P.M. after the final vote was cast. I watched as socialist dems cheered the demise of freedom in America. It was then that I swore in my wrath that I will do everything in my power to bring America back to where it was when I was a child. Where it should be according to the Constitution and our founding fathers. It is my time to do everything I can to support conservatives and Republicans like John Boehner, Michelle Bachmann and Mike Pence who resolutely fought this bill and continue to do so. Now is the time for all good men to act.

“Almighty God, Creator of all things, Upholder of the universe, we come before Thee today to ask that You not remove Thy gracious hand of blessing from our land. I ask that Thou put within the hearts of Americans a contrite spirit, that we might return to Thee and repent of our wicked ways. We ask that Thou protect our leaders, but that Thou might convict them and cause them to turn against this bill that dishonors You through the slaughter of the unborn. Please Lord we beseech Thee, save our land. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray, amen.”

Angry Protesters Make Their Voices Heard on Cap. Hill

March 21, 2010

House Democrats walked through throngs of angry protesters shouting ‘Kill the Bill!’ among other things on their way to the House for the upcoming vote on health care. Tea Party protesters made themselves heard, including a few who shouted racial epithets at black members. The number of those were small and did not represent the whole crowd.

In all honesty, things are looking better for us than I previously thought, as it now appears that there are less than 200 strong yes votes and the dems need at least 23 of the 26 undecideds. Democrats though remain confident that they will pass this bill.

Republican Paul Ryan of Wisconsin issued an urgent plea against government run health care replete with charts and graphs representing the steep increase in debt and deficit if this bill is passed. His mother in law is on a drug for ovarian cancer that would be banned if government ran the pharmacies. God Bless him for his testimony and ardent opposition to this bill.

Hell(th) Care

March 19, 2010

My friends, we are on the brink of a precipice from which we will not easily return. Thanks to princess pelosi and the democrats, we are now simply 2 days and a vote away from becoming another country with socialized medicine. The sad thing is that 73% of Americans DON’T WANT this bill. According to several sources the phones on the hill are ringing off the hook with the vast majority of calls being against this monstrosity of a bill. Yet somehow, inside the beltway bubble and within princess pelosi, harry the hairy ape reid and obama’s sphere of influence, the representatives are more concerned with the speaker of the house than they are with their employers, the American people.

Now, for all the liberals/progressives/marxists/commies out there, well they’ll probably say ‘look at that idiot! He can’t spell (title) and doesn’t know how to capitalize (proper names). WRONG! I, An Informed Mind, know full well all the conventional rules of grammar, I am instead choosing to do what I can to oppose those that are usurping our rights and trampling our Constitution. Congressional democrats are going against the American people and I can guarantee you there is going to be a revolution in this country. But it is going to be a peaceful, electoral revolution. Americans are going to vote en masse to throw the jack-n-apes out of office come this November. And I can say this, they had better be prepared to defend this bill because the Republicans are coming and they are campaigning on the dems voting a health care bill down an unwilling public’s throat.

There is still hope that this bill won’t pass. Yes votes can become no votes through the public voicing their extreme hatred for this bill and by dems either seeing the light or feeling the heat. However, if it does pass, I will do everything in my power to force Congress and every elected official to repeal this infringement of our rights. Never before has government mandated the purchase of a good. Contrary to progressive, marxist theology, health care is not… wait let me say this with maximum emphasis NOT a right. Something that can be bought and sold is not a right but a good. Same as a car is not a right, nor a job. Only in Soviet Russia do they think that such things are rights. Rights come from GOD as stated in the Constitution: “We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Congress has no right to transfer, take or give rights. If they did it would be tyranny and that is exactly where we are headed.

All Christians that love their country should begin praying RIGHT NOW that this bill does not pass. “Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth, upholder of the universe, we beseech Thee humbly in the name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, that Thou imbue our leaders with wisdom, that Thou strengthen the foundation of our Republic and that Thou change the minds of them that would vote for this bill. Lord, we know that all nations are next to nothing to You and that Thou regardest not a wicked man, but we ask Thee humbly to protect and preserve our nation by Thy providence and keep this bill from passing. We ask that we may glorify Thy name in honor, Amen.” I believe that the same God that removed the sickness from the body of Hezekiah, the same God that raised our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, the same God that made the sun stand still in the Valley of Aijalon can change the course of our history in that we may go back to freedom and liberty instead of into the long dark night of government tyranny. I believe that if we come humbly before Him, believing, in faith we can defeat this bill or repeal it if it does pass. Pray dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

For you conservatives that are not Christians we can still defeat this bill. However, I cannot unwind my Christianity from my conservatism. To me they are inextricably intertwined. It goes Christian, American, Conservative. All are important to me. But back on subject, flood Congress with your phone calls, emails, faxes, letters. Go to the Congressional offices and stage a sit-down. Take a bullhorn and make your voice be heard. Congress, if they don’t hear you now, they NEED to hear you SOON before this evil bill from the pit of hell is passed. If it is, it will be that much harder to repeal it.

(Toll Free numbers below! Call and tell everyone you know to call as well. Make your voices heard about NOT WANTING THIS BILL!!!)

Random Thoughts!

February 6, 2010

I’m gonna post my random thoughts on a day when snow has accumulated to two feet in some parts of the yard the electric is blinking under the strain of snow on the lines. Sitting here with the sun coming in the window and warming up after a forty-five minute romp in the snow makes me think. This is what real America is.

Real America isn’t the elitism shown by politicians that have flaunted their disregard for the will of the American people. America is parents and kids enjoying a sled ride down the local hill, a cup of hot cocoa enjoyed with a board game, a snowball fight with friends and family. Real America is enjoying God’s green (and white) earth without constant global warming chatter and anti-oil drilling blather. Real America is reveling in accomplishing something with your hands that the government didn’t hand to you. Shoveling the driveway or the steps. Government just doesn’t get it. Government thinks that everything you can do for yourself it can do for you better. Remember the old post office slogan ‘Nothing stops the post office’ or something like that? Yeah, not so much. Just like government that either can’t do anything in general or what they do, they screw up. So why would we want them running health care and determining how much CO2 can be in the air?

Snow makes the best chair. When there’s nigh unto 2 feet of the stuff, just falling backwards into it makes the perfect seat if it weren’t for the cold and wetness of it. I’ve sat on plenty of chairs, couches, cushions, ottomans, tables and every other piece of furniture meant for sitting and few things can compare to God’s gift of snow.

Cocoa is best served with marshmallows. Even when aspirating or swallowing them whole (which I don’t at all recommend) it makes one of the best drinks one can have after a cold day. Coffee is good (lots of creamer and sweetener), tea is good (but time consuming) but cocoa has them all beat. Nothing but hot water and a packet of cocoa’s needed and it can be gotten right out of the tap water.

Chess is a strategy game with a lot of luck involved. Now I don’t want anyone to think that I’m the next Gary Kasparov or Bobby Fisher, I play on my spare time. But through a casual game I notice that the best strategy is nothing if your opponent doesn’t take the bait. One wrong move and you can change from the hunter to the hunted. Much like Congressional seating.

We have become so dependent on the internet and computers that we must do everything in our power to ensure that our vital defense and infrastructure is protected and shielded from intruders who mean us much harm. Due to the snow, we had lost internet service for several hours (having a satellite based connection has its ups and downs). While we managed to survive, we missed several opportunities to find out important information on something as well as the ability to keep in touch with the outside world. Imagine if the entire infrastructure of the internet were to go down due to terrorist attacks or cyber-warfare from some unscrupulous nation-state. The destruction and damage to our national security would be widespread and we as a nation would slow to a crawl. However, in guarding our infrastructure, we need to ensure that we are also guarding against a growing government that would use such emergencies to deny us free speech and free transfer of knowledge. Government must ensure the security of our networks, from both the outside AND the inside.

So, as I look out the window and marvel at the sight, I am getting a tinge deep within me. It is the same tinge that comes every February. The want of spring. Yes the snow is beautiful, yes the furnace is warm. But by this time every year, myself and millions of others are eagerly anticipating the arrival of spring. Warm breezes, open windows, flowers and going barefoot. Soon it will be here. But for now, Happy Winter to all, and may this year bring a continued revival of the principles that make America the greatest nation on earth. God Bless.

Health Care Bill Could Take 34 Hour Reading

November 20, 2009


   If Senator Tom Coburn (R, OK) has his way, the Senate could be tied up with a 34 hour reading of the health care bill on the floor as persuant to Senate rules. Parliamentary rules state that any Senator can request a bill to be read in its entirety on the floor. Democrats could then make motions to end the reading of it, but then Republicans could object and the reading would continue.

   It does my heart good to see that someone on the Republican side wants some transparency from the Senate. While Democrats most likely will motion to end the reading, Republicans should do everything in their power to make sure that this mammoth bill is read and put out there for the American people to reject as I am sure they would if they read the whole thing.

   The tragic truth is, Democrats want so much to shove something down our throats they want to do it RIGHT NOW! If we don’t do it RIGHT NOW the earth will explode, aliens will invade, people will be turning into brain-eating zombies and… you get the picture. It happened with the stimulus, it happened with the bailouts, and they are trying to make it happen again. They want to paint so bleak a future if we don’t pass this bill right away that Americans will somehow feel scared into allowing it to pass. Well Senate, look what happened with the stimulus. Look what happened with the bailouts. WASTED! Americans won’t put up with much more.

   Liberals want this bill passed right now. Conservatives say this would end America as we know it. Why do liberals want this passed? Because they want a nanny state, welfare state that has the government doing everything for everybody without any free market influence at all. Conservatives want the government to butt out and let American innovation fix this problem like we have with every other problem we have faced. As a great man (Ronal Reagan) once said, “The ten most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m here from the government and I’m here to help.’” Look at what the government has done for us over the past 100 years: Social Security: Broke, Medicare: Broke, Post Office: Broke, Subsidizing GM: Broke and getting overrun by unions, Bailouts: Wasted, Stimulus: Wasted. Wanna tell me that government can run health care? Go ahead, make my day!

Obama To Push For Abortion Funding

November 15, 2009

The amendment, authored by Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., went beyond preventing the proposed government-run plan from covering abortion to restrict federal subsidies from going toward private plans that offer abortion coverage. White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod states that Obama will work to strip the amendment from the health care bill because the amendment changes the ‘status quo’ and Obama can’t abide by that.

Wait! Didn’t Obama promise change when he took over? But now he wants to keep the status quo the same? What about hope and change for the unborn Mr. Obama? What about hope for the pre-born victims of the slaughter that they have no voice in stopping? Where’s the hope and change NObama?

This is nothing new. Obama is the most liberal senator and now president in the history of our Republic. Why should we expect him to stand up for the unborn? He, and his party, have made it perfectly clear that they only care about representing those that will vote for them and pay taxes. Since the unborn don’t pay taxes, can’t vote and won’t sing Obama’s praises like propagandized victims of brainwashing, they have no worth to the valueless liberals in the Democrat party.

I salute Bart Stupak for standing up for the unborn by trying to get this amendment into the bill. But with his own party against him, there is little chance that it will be implemented and most odds are towards if any bill gets passed, it’ll include federal funding for abortion. This is the key sticking point with many blue-dogs that have conservatives backing them in their districts. If there is abortion funding in the bill, it could doom it. But idiots Pelosi, ReDe and Obama don’t care. They want their radical leftist health care bill regardless of whether the American people want it or not.

America needs to stand up and say, federal funding for abortion is WRONG!!! Even if you are pro-choice you should be fundamentally opposed to making someone else pay for abortions. This is about abortion whether Obama wants to admit to it. People should not be forced to pay for someone else’s abortion. It is violating our moral and religious rights to not fund someone else’s murder. Dems and libs better pick up on that or there will be a BIG year for Republicans next year.

Charge For No Health Insurance!

November 11, 2009

If President Obama gets his way, you could very well be penalized with fines and potentially even jail time if you don’t buy into health insurance, even if you can’t afford it.

President Obama in an interview with Jake Tapper of ABC news said this: “I think the general broad principle is simply that people who are paying for their health insurance aren’t subsidizing folks who simply choose not to until they get sick and then suddenly they expect free health insurance. That’s — that’s basic concept of responsibility that I think most Americans abide by,” Mr. Obama said, “penalties are appropriate for people who try to free ride the system and force others to pay for their health insurance.”

Later, Obama stated that he didn’t think jail time for those that do not buy insurance is not the “biggest issue”.

America, we are on the verge of having a despotic government that will fine and potentially jail you if you don’t buy something they tell you to buy, when they tell you to buy it and where. THIS IS NOT WHAT THE FOUNDERS INTENDED! They knew firsthand of the tyranny of government when left unchecked. They experienced it from England who was nearly a half a world away. We are right underneath the government’s thumb. We can see the bottom of the slope and it looks eerily similar to Orwell’s 1984. In fact that book is where we glean the phrase Big Brother. Big Brother is the tyrannical government of Oceania that knows everything about its people, tells them what to think and what to do. Sounds like what our government is becoming right?

We have the right to flood D.C. with emails, phone calls and letters telling them to STOP VOTING FOR MORE GOVERNMENT! This health care bill is nothing more than the newest power grab by politicians who are doing nothing but trampling the Constitution. It is completely unconstitutional and they have no power to do so. We need to tell them that if they keep voting for such power grabs they will be kicked out of office come next year. Trust me.

We do not want a government big enough to give us everything. As someone wise once said, “A government large enough to give us everything is large enough to take everything away.”

The Cause of UAW’s Life!

November 6, 2009

The new Solidarity magazine has arrived, and their is a lot of fresh meat for me to tear the union apart with.

This new magazine has a message from Ron Gettelfinger on the inside of the cover. He talks about health care through the usual union eyeballs.

“…it’s also missing… a strong public health insurance option, which would lower premiums by ensuring real competition among health insurers.” The UAW’s president here states that a strong public option would lower premiums by ensuring competition. DON’T MAKE ME LAUGH Ronnie boy!!! Does he actually think union members are stupid enough to believe that line? Does HE believe it? Fact: We were told that there would be 120 million doses of the H1N1 shot by October, there was 20 some, a 77% decrease in the stated efficiency. What the government wants to do a lot of they don’t meet their expectations yet when they say it is only going to cost so much, its costs EXPLODE.

There is basically nothing in the article that represents facts. The only thing he says factually is “Taxing worker’s benefits is wrong.” Yup. RIGHT ON BROTHA!!! PREACH IT!!! Okay, everything else is blather.

Why doesn’t the union see that the Democrat health bill will bankrupt the country? Are they so enamored by golden boy Obama that they’ll take his word on everything? Do they think that the union boss knows better than 57%+ of Americans? The truth is, the cause of the UAW’s life is bankrupting companies to take them over and evidently now it is also bankrupting the country to fill their own coffers. Despicable. More to come when I have more time.

$2.2 Million per word!

October 29, 2009

According to a recent online document from Politico, the new House bill that has been proposed works out to $2.24 million per word. If the bill costs 894 billion over the next ten years the massive 1,990 page bill would work out to almost two and a quarter million dollars per word.

And this is a good thing why exactly? I’m not that old and I remember a day when a million bucks was a lot of money. But these idiots in Washington are basically printing these bills with gold ink. It’s like they are shooting for a really large number just to impress us. You would think that the tea party movement has spurred them to rethink their commitment to spending large amounts of money. But I guess not. They’re more concerned about appeasing their liberal minds and to heck with the country. Forget that our children and grandchildren will have to suffer through ENORMOUS taxes to pay off this debt. Forget that they are basically selling us out to the Chinese so they can have their precious little health care reform.

Is it not enough that we have nationalized the banks and car companies? Do they want to nationalize health care to? Dumb question. Of course they do. They want complete government control over everything because, doggone it, the free market just doesn’t know how to do anything right. Yeah, about that. Last time I checked, UPS and FedEx are doing a heck of a job better than the post office at delivery.

Liberals and progressives seem as if they are wanting, WANTING to destroy this country through financial ruin. Conservatives are wanting to get us back on track and get us to a more stable place. But if we allow the liberals and Democrats to win again come 2010, we are saying that we don’t really care about the country. We just want our welfare and free health insurance paid for by somebody else.

More evidence of MSNBC propaganda!

October 26, 2009

My friends, if you go to the MSNBC website right now, on 10-26-09, there, right on their header screams out: TALES OF HEALTH INSURANCE DISASTER!!! Well I added the three exclamation points just for show. But the insidious nature of the headline just begs for attention. Supposedly fair to both sides and a ‘true news organization’ MSNBC blares anti-insurance propaganda while denying to report on what happens to health care when the government gets involved.

True, the three stories they tell are heart breaking indeed, however, one cannot allow one’s heart and emotions control rational thinking and allow our health care system to be transformed into Cuba circa 2009. While there are significant and troubling errors with our health care system, we can’t allow ourselves to become the next Cuba or Britain or Canada.

MSNBC lists several cases where the insurance doesn’t cover or covers too little of the costs associated with the treatment. The problem with their presentation is that they refuse to address the issue that millions are happy with their insurance. While some may fall through the cracks and be unhappy with their situation, this is typical of everything in life. If you want to claim that I’m a heartless conservative ideologue go right ahead. I’ll take it if it means I am a Constitutionalist and holding true to the values that make America so uniquely American.

Americans want reform, but they want it the right way. They want a fair shake by having doctors not running every test imaginable just to cover themselves in case something goes wrong. And that is why we need tort reform NOW! Doctors are scared of not running tests, even ones that are unnecessary because they are subjected to outrageous lawsuits if something happens they didn’t foresee. It is unfair to doctors for having to fear that and unfair to patients who face added costs due to the threat.

Another way to reform health insurance is to allow out of state companies to compete for buyers. This would allow for more competition and would lower prices as companies wage price wars against each other for potential customers. If there is only one or two companies I can choose from, that allows prices to go up since the two can collude together. But when three or more are available to me, then prices inevitably come down because when more choice is there, they have more reasons to make their choices more attractive to the consumer. Economics my friend.

Americans want reform, but limited reform. Not this media promoting, government option mandating, big government malaise. Americans want most of it to stay the same. And nothing MSNBC can say can detract from that.