White House: “We Controlled Press”

October 19, 2009

As I have known all along, the media has given the Obama administration glowing coverage from the day he began his run to the moment of which you are reading this. However, not even I thought that the top Communications guru for the WH would admit it: “Very rarely did we communicate through the press anything that we didn’t absolutely control,” (Anita) Dunn said, admitting that the strategy “did not always make us popular in the press.”

Shocker folks! Of course this was told to a foreign crowd which begs the question what exactly is Obama doing? Wooing the French and Germans or actually taking the mantle of president of the United States. But back to the problem at hand. This is blatant deception folks. They are basically admitting that they are running a Stalinist or Chavez-like press and no one has a problem with this. Does anyone remember that Chavez basically shut down a critical TV station on Venezuela. I’m sure it all started with Chavez labeling them an opinion channel rather than a news channel. (See Obama Wastes Time Attacking Fox)

Now before you get all head up saying, “AHHHHH, he’s a racist, he says Obama is the next Castro!” Think again. I said they were trying to control the press like Chavez. Until I have concrete proof, I will not say Obama is the next Chavez. But he is starting to act like a despot when it comes to critical press. All he needs to do is say, “Fox News has been critical of me in the past, but I accept that because I want the American people to have both sides of the story.” The end. Finished. Even the left can agree with that. But by labeling a reputable news organization “opinion journalism masquerading as news”, that is something the president should not stoop to.

But back to controlling the press. The leftist press of MSNBC and CNN along with the network channels CBS, NBC, ABC etc. all willingly went along with the control. Fox is the only one that didn’t. So luckily America still has three outlets for actual news that is not controlled by Obama and his cronies. We still have Fox on television, talk radio which is overwhelmingly conservative, and the internet. While the other tv outlets are being controlled by Obama willingly, the truth will come out. And there is nothing Obama or the entire Democratic party can do about it.

Lastly, the White House details how they favored live speeches over taped interviews so that Obama’s words could not be edited or parts left out. The single most disturbing quote was this: “One of the reasons we did so many of the David Plouffe videos was not just for our supporters, but also because it was a way for us to get our message out without having to actually talk to reporters. … We just put that out there and made them write what Plouffe had said as opposed to Plouffe doing an interview with a reporter. So it was very much we controlled it as opposed to the press controlled it.” They don’t want Americans to hear everything that they say because much of what they say Americans oppose. So they only allowed us to hear what they thought we would like. Can you say that this is socialist in styling? More to come…

Obama Wastes Time Attacking Fox

October 18, 2009

The end really is here. Our president of the United States is wasting time attacking a reputable news organization while twiddling his thumbs on a WAR! While it takes weeks and months to determine the veracity of the reports on the ground out of Afghanistan, Obama and his cohorts can immediately take aim at Fox News and Glenn Beck for their ‘pushing a point of view’. Oh yeah… they really distort them facts don’t they?

And HOW DARE THEY even think of asking a tough question of His Highness, the One? How dare that conservative hate-monger Bill O’REILLY have a tough interview for Obama? And that Glenn Beck… hoo-boy… he’s something else isn’t he? Always hating on the One because of his color or some stupid little thing like… oh I don’t know.. communist ties.

Here’s the thing that drives the Obama administration crazy about Fox News. They actually report the facts with the liberal spin of MSNBC. The ‘news’ on the MSNBC channel is even tainted with the liberal bias of openly liberal and covertly leftist anchors such as Chris ‘thrill up the leg’ Matthews, Dylan Ratigan, Chuck Todd, Tamron Hall, David Shuster, Kelly O’Donnell and Andrea Mitchell. Fox has fair and balanced coverage where the anchors at least try and keep their political views to themselves while being fair to both the president and his opposition.

Says Anita Dunn (White House Communications Director): “What I think is fair to say about Fox — and certainly it’s the way we view it — is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party,” Dunn said on CNN. “They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that’s fine. But let’s not pretend they’re a news network the way CNN is.” CNN, the same ‘news’ channel that slams Rush Limbaugh, attributing racist remarks to him that they later admitted they couldn’t verify actually came from him at all. Right, right. Keep on drinking the kool-aid Anita. And here’s the thing: they probably do think that FOX is a wing of the Republican party because they have been listening to CNN and MSNBC for all these months, wallowing in the liberal spin for so long, fairness and tough questions seem straight out of the Republican playbook.

You know, if you want to attack a news organization, go right ahead. It’s your right. And FOX certainly can dispel your attacks with facts. But don’t sit in the White House acting like you’re the best thing since democracy when there are boys on the ground dying while you ponder what your next attack on Fox News will be. That is the epitome of idiocy and downright unpatriotic.