Obama’s Plan to Ruin America

June 23, 2010

Yes my friends, you read that right. America is being sabotaged from within and the culprit is none other than our dear leader, The One, Barry Hussein Obama. While the economic impact of the oil spill in the gulf is horrifying to say the least, The One, He Who Will End Global Warming and Solve All Ills, is exacerbating the situation with a 6 month moratorium on drilling. You might say ‘Oh well the judge overturned that’ or ‘Good, no more oil spills’, imagine this, thousands of people could lose their jobs working on the rigs, stocking the rigs, supplying the rigs, upkeep on the rigs etc. for 6 months. Imagine this also, if they lose them for that long, they could lose them forever. Do you want to know why? Each day that those rigs sit idle costs the owner millions of dollars. Foreign companies are already lining up to bid on those rigs. Six months without drilling is an economic death sentence for thousands and thousands of workers.

Even though the federal judge has overturned the ban, the administration is planning on appealing the ban and Ken Salazar (the one in charge of the situation) has already leveled another ban, trying to get that one through the judicial system. Do you see what is going on America? Our own president and his crack-pot team of politicos and aparatchiks are trying to ruin the oil industry and put thousands more people out of work. What could possibly be a good reason for doing this? There is none, except that Obama wants to increase his power and control over people’s lives. We are heading for despotism folks.

He has also announced plans for a new round of ‘stimulus’ involving billions if not trillions more wasted taxpayer money. He is pushing comprehensive immigration reform AKA amnesty. He wants to push card-check allowing forcible unionization. America, our president is a radical, un-American who is trying to ruin our country. We need to deal a severe blow to him and his democratic socialists of America come this November when the Tea Party Express will be handing many dems a pink slip. Keep up the good fight friends, America will stand so long as we continue to fight for limited government and personal freedom.

The Great Union Hypocrisy

June 7, 2010

My tirade and assault on the unions; nay their corrupt political arms, continues. With a recent piece of literature *cough propaganda cough* coming through my mail box today, I opened it to find a new wave of insults and derogatory remarks aimed at the tea party people. Now, to clear any confusion, I am not a member of a tea party group. However, I FULLY support their ideals and see them as trying to rightfully reclaim their country from a bureaucratic monstrosity and big government bent on spending us into oblivion. Anyway, this union assails to good people from the tea party with statements such as these: “Their paranoia and hatred for anything to do with President Obama have blinded them to the point of a sort of mass hysteria that I believe is a social phenomenon this country hasn’t seen since the days of McCarthyism.” Where do I start? First off, I haven’t seen a whole ton of ‘mass hysteria’ from the tea party. Nope, all I see is a bunch of flag waving and singing patriotic songs. Hmm… are those crazy people patriotic? Nope, jingoistic and nationalist. Shame on those filthy, backwards bomb throwers and rabble-rousers.

Secondly, I think that the anti-war loons from Vietnam through the Iraq war would more so qualify for ‘mass hysteria’, especially the ones that carried signs portraying Bush as Hitler or with a bullet through his forehead. Maybe the Watts or LA rioters. Still drawing blanks unnamed union official?

“The ugliness being stirred up in our Country by the tea baggers needs to stop. The rest of the world sees us as tea baggers and not the kind- hearted people that we are. Just before Tim McVeigh, the mood in the country was ugly as well. Wake up people!” This one I’m really getting sick of. The only ugliness that’s being stirred up is being opened by leftists like *unnamed union official* who constantly refer to tea partiers by a sexualized slur. The same people that are ‘kind- hearted people that we are’ are the ones defaming the tea partiers that have legitimate and substantial worries about the direction our country is heading in. And why is it that every time a conservative (or conservative group) raises hackles about something the left brings up Timothy McVeigh? We conservatives don’t bring up the Black Panthers or Bill Ayers. Also, do you really think grandma’s gonna whip out a Magnum .357 or Uzi from her purse and mow down a bunch of politicos? Maybe we should be concentrating on people like, oh I don’t know… Nidal Hassan or Abdul Malik Mohammed Hussein… heck with it, the boxer bomber? Not every time an atmosphere is ugly it ends in violence, nope, sometimes it ends in political hacks losing their jobs, like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are poised for.

“It seems the public is tiring of the anti-Obama rhetoric, but that doesn’t mean it will go away…” Before I continue with this whopper, I had to bring something up. ‘It won’t go away’? You mean like that health care bill from the devil? The one that 65%+ of Americans didn’t want yet was shoved down our throats? Yeah, he knows what he’s talking about. “…Certainly if the economy improves month by month, then the hypocrisy of the teabaggers will become more visible to the public because they’ll realize that the bottom line is that the majority of the teabaggers, for whatever reason, either strongly dislike or simply hate Barack Obama.” Uh-huh. If the economy improves month by month, yeah that’s a big ‘if’ dummy. Especially considering that out of the 400,000 jobs we added in April or May or whatever month it was, 90%+ of them were temp. Census jobs. ‘WOW! Honey, I was just hired to the Census bureau. Only problem… I’ll be out of work in 6 weeks.’ Yeah, economy’s really looking up. Uh-huh. Maybe the economy is not getting better because we didn’t spend enough money on it. Yeah, that’s it. We need to spend more money. So here’s the deal, we’ll spend $20,000,000,000,000 to bail EVERYBODY out and then there’ll be enough money to go around and companies will hire and world hunger will be eradicated etc. The only minor side effect? Our dollars will be worth, oh say… 1/10th of a Zimbabwean dollar. (If that doesn’t register, a hamburger in Zimbabwe costs 10 trillion Zimbabwean dollars. An egg costs 500 billion.) But darn them teabagging rednecks, they just hate Obama because ‘AAAAHHHH there’s a bleck mann in da whyite hause!!!!!’ Give me a break.

You see my fellow Americans, union leadership is corrupt as a rule. Members in unions are just like everyday Americans. They want their kids to be safe and to have a better life than they had. They want America to be free and prosperous. Most probably have conservative views. But the union leadership has become nothing but a political pawn, a shill, a sheeple for the Democratic Socialist party of America. They should not be taken seriously anymore.

Now Is The Time…

March 22, 2010

Yes my friends, now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. This health care bill has passed. Now comes the time for legal action, civil disobedience and all other manners of opposition that we are legally entitled to as United States citizens. Now is the time for states to pass laws unbinding themselves from this burden that has been placed on their shoulders. Now is the time to call for the impeachment of Barack Obama for unconstitutional actions. Now is the time for citizens to refuse to adhere to an unconstitutional infringement upon their liberties. Now is the time for all good men to act.

Now is the time for Republicans and conservatives to restate their opposition to this bill and their commitment to having it repealed. Now is the time for Republicans to gear up to make sure that Barack Obama is a one term president. It is the time to ensure that Nancy Pelosi never again becomes the Speaker of the House, that once respectable house of the people that is now little more than an enclave of corruption, arm twisting and bribery, that once honorable institution that is now little more than a partisan playhouse wherein one party passes groundbreakingly bad legislation over the will of the people. Now is the time for all good men to act.

This bill will do nothing to address the problems with health care but will cause massive amounts of new problems. New government programs will allow for more red tape, less innovation, more taxes and worse care. This bill will provide federal funds for abortion despite Obama’s symbolic gesture of an executive order disallowing abortion funding. Stupak was duped and he screwed the American people with his vote. My prayer is that he will be replaced with a true pro-lifer. A conservative Republican. Now is the time for all good men to act.

Nothing we can say or do will remove the fact that socialist democrats have passed the most marxist, statist piece of legislation in the history of our proud Republic. But what we can say and do is repeal it before the damage is done. We must take this fight to the conservative Supreme Court and have it nullified by showing it’s true constitutional problems. This bill can be defeated even now, repealed, annulled, nullified. It can be and it should be. Let every Republican now raise his/her voice in support of taking this bill to the SCOTUS. It is the time for every Republican challenger and incumbent run on the repeal of this monstrosity. Now is the time for all good men to act.

I watched the whole spectacle yesterday. Starting at 1:30 in the afternoon I watched as Pelosi and co. were heckled by angry protesters all the way up to 11:45 P.M. after the final vote was cast. I watched as socialist dems cheered the demise of freedom in America. It was then that I swore in my wrath that I will do everything in my power to bring America back to where it was when I was a child. Where it should be according to the Constitution and our founding fathers. It is my time to do everything I can to support conservatives and Republicans like John Boehner, Michelle Bachmann and Mike Pence who resolutely fought this bill and continue to do so. Now is the time for all good men to act.

“Almighty God, Creator of all things, Upholder of the universe, we come before Thee today to ask that You not remove Thy gracious hand of blessing from our land. I ask that Thou put within the hearts of Americans a contrite spirit, that we might return to Thee and repent of our wicked ways. We ask that Thou protect our leaders, but that Thou might convict them and cause them to turn against this bill that dishonors You through the slaughter of the unborn. Please Lord we beseech Thee, save our land. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray, amen.”

Hell(th) Care

March 19, 2010

My friends, we are on the brink of a precipice from which we will not easily return. Thanks to princess pelosi and the democrats, we are now simply 2 days and a vote away from becoming another country with socialized medicine. The sad thing is that 73% of Americans DON’T WANT this bill. According to several sources the phones on the hill are ringing off the hook with the vast majority of calls being against this monstrosity of a bill. Yet somehow, inside the beltway bubble and within princess pelosi, harry the hairy ape reid and obama’s sphere of influence, the representatives are more concerned with the speaker of the house than they are with their employers, the American people.

Now, for all the liberals/progressives/marxists/commies out there, well they’ll probably say ‘look at that idiot! He can’t spell (title) and doesn’t know how to capitalize (proper names). WRONG! I, An Informed Mind, know full well all the conventional rules of grammar, I am instead choosing to do what I can to oppose those that are usurping our rights and trampling our Constitution. Congressional democrats are going against the American people and I can guarantee you there is going to be a revolution in this country. But it is going to be a peaceful, electoral revolution. Americans are going to vote en masse to throw the jack-n-apes out of office come this November. And I can say this, they had better be prepared to defend this bill because the Republicans are coming and they are campaigning on the dems voting a health care bill down an unwilling public’s throat.

There is still hope that this bill won’t pass. Yes votes can become no votes through the public voicing their extreme hatred for this bill and by dems either seeing the light or feeling the heat. However, if it does pass, I will do everything in my power to force Congress and every elected official to repeal this infringement of our rights. Never before has government mandated the purchase of a good. Contrary to progressive, marxist theology, health care is not… wait let me say this with maximum emphasis NOT a right. Something that can be bought and sold is not a right but a good. Same as a car is not a right, nor a job. Only in Soviet Russia do they think that such things are rights. Rights come from GOD as stated in the Constitution: “We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Congress has no right to transfer, take or give rights. If they did it would be tyranny and that is exactly where we are headed.

All Christians that love their country should begin praying RIGHT NOW that this bill does not pass. “Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth, upholder of the universe, we beseech Thee humbly in the name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, that Thou imbue our leaders with wisdom, that Thou strengthen the foundation of our Republic and that Thou change the minds of them that would vote for this bill. Lord, we know that all nations are next to nothing to You and that Thou regardest not a wicked man, but we ask Thee humbly to protect and preserve our nation by Thy providence and keep this bill from passing. We ask that we may glorify Thy name in honor, Amen.” I believe that the same God that removed the sickness from the body of Hezekiah, the same God that raised our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, the same God that made the sun stand still in the Valley of Aijalon can change the course of our history in that we may go back to freedom and liberty instead of into the long dark night of government tyranny. I believe that if we come humbly before Him, believing, in faith we can defeat this bill or repeal it if it does pass. Pray dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

For you conservatives that are not Christians we can still defeat this bill. However, I cannot unwind my Christianity from my conservatism. To me they are inextricably intertwined. It goes Christian, American, Conservative. All are important to me. But back on subject, flood Congress with your phone calls, emails, faxes, letters. Go to the Congressional offices and stage a sit-down. Take a bullhorn and make your voice be heard. Congress, if they don’t hear you now, they NEED to hear you SOON before this evil bill from the pit of hell is passed. If it is, it will be that much harder to repeal it.

(Toll Free numbers below! Call and tell everyone you know to call as well. Make your voices heard about NOT WANTING THIS BILL!!!)

Conservative Principles And the Burden of Big Government (Pre-election)

December 20, 2009


   The greatest tragedy of our time is the loss of personal responsibility by the American citizen. The rise of the Democratic party as we now know it is wrought by the corresponding deficiency of active conservative principles by our citizens. The Democratic party now has espoused the greatest big government agenda in the history of our great nation. They promise free money, free healthcare, free college tuition: who is going to pay for it? Where do we get the money? And more importantly, what do we do when that free money runs out? We will have become so dependant on the government that we will have shed all personal responsibility and will no longer know how to earn anything ourselves.

   In fact, we are rapidly heading toward that state now. The Democratic party seems an inexorable juggernaut unable to be stopped by traditional Republican tactics. Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama champion the advent of government run healthcare (read: socialistic health-care) which would add untold trillions to the government debt which we are now entangled in. They support many billions of dollars toward the creation of new and far-ranging government programs for the poor and suffering. I am for the removal of poverty from the American scene, but never at the cost of throwing our security into the briny depths of foreign whims. How can we take care of our own citizens’ money issues while throwing the nation into debt and disarray?

   As every conservative knows, big government is the trumping of state and local government and the crushing of the will and freedom of the people of which the government was borne to serve. When government begins to control your wallet, yea, even a part of it, it becomes like a wild animal with bloodlust, it cannot be satiated with just the minor taste, it must consume the entire entity. This means that if we allow our liberal government to control even the minutest fraction of our financial lives, it will eventually grow to be the detestable brute that the founding Fathers intended to prevent through the various checks and balances. We must now elect someone with the great principles that have driven conservatives since the Reagan Revolution: the principles of integrity, honesty, small government, noninterference except when absolutely necessary, freedom of the individual, freedom of the nation, personal accountability and other principles so advocated by conservatives that have long thwarted the liberal pick-pocketing by the scourge of big government.

   You may ask why I speak of big government as an animal, or even a cumbersome and obstinate impediment to liberty. Well the common principles of man have long sustained the human race since the days of Noah and Moses to our current state. When God saw the wickedness of the people, he did not indiscriminately destroy Noah as well as the heathen sinners. No, he saw the righteousness of one and seven and spared them. As well as with the rebellion of Korah against the laws of God brought by Moses from the Mount Sinai, God destroyed Korah and his followers yet spared those that remained loyal to Him. Personal accountability made all the difference. The followers of God made a personal commitment to remain loyal and steadfast when others were blindly following one erroneous man. This can be said of liberalism, we follow blindly in the direction our brute big government leads us. With conservatism; however, personal responsibility is the driving force. Personal accountability in finances, freedom, choice and family. The government stays as much out of your life in a conservative government as it intrudes and obstructs in a liberal-run one.

   Therefore choose for yourself of which you wish to be yoked under: a government that restricts or a government that uplifts? A government that controls or a government that knows it’s role? A government that determines what you can do and when or a government that allows for personal freedom in bounds of natural law? A government that promises big and falls short or a government that stays out and allows you to become all you can be? A government whose yoke is crushing in weight and destructive in nature or a government whose yoke is light and unrestrictive? A government who lives to control or a government who is controlled by those living under it? A government grown to the size of unsustainable range or a government who helps more than controls? These are the questions before us now in the great moment of elective process. The time in which we exercise our will. We still have the choice, do we have the will? We still have the power to shrink this sizeable behemoth to a manageable and freedom loving ordinance run by us and doing our will. Will we step up and say to the government through our ballots that we will no longer be controlled by them, instead they will become adherents to our will?

   Now is not the time for apathy on the part of the great conservative spirit within every American. Now is the time to act, to set forth a new revolution: not one wrought by violence or death, not of communism nor Marxism nor liberalism. A peculiar revolution indeed it shall be, instead of ‘progressing’ to a new depth of personal unaccountability, we shall instead ‘progress backwards’ as it were, to the shining shores of liberty and the sunny plains of personal freedom. We can truly progress, but we shall progress genuinely, for once, toward a right and just goal of freedom and responsibility and the removing of the yoke of government that has become a prevalent factor in the ongoing demise of the liberty we have had for two hundred and thirty two years. We shall indeed break the bondage imposed by government and replace it with a righteous government of old, one of noninterference save the case of war, violence or fraud.

Health Care Bill Could Take 34 Hour Reading

November 20, 2009


   If Senator Tom Coburn (R, OK) has his way, the Senate could be tied up with a 34 hour reading of the health care bill on the floor as persuant to Senate rules. Parliamentary rules state that any Senator can request a bill to be read in its entirety on the floor. Democrats could then make motions to end the reading of it, but then Republicans could object and the reading would continue.

   It does my heart good to see that someone on the Republican side wants some transparency from the Senate. While Democrats most likely will motion to end the reading, Republicans should do everything in their power to make sure that this mammoth bill is read and put out there for the American people to reject as I am sure they would if they read the whole thing.

   The tragic truth is, Democrats want so much to shove something down our throats they want to do it RIGHT NOW! If we don’t do it RIGHT NOW the earth will explode, aliens will invade, people will be turning into brain-eating zombies and… you get the picture. It happened with the stimulus, it happened with the bailouts, and they are trying to make it happen again. They want to paint so bleak a future if we don’t pass this bill right away that Americans will somehow feel scared into allowing it to pass. Well Senate, look what happened with the stimulus. Look what happened with the bailouts. WASTED! Americans won’t put up with much more.

   Liberals want this bill passed right now. Conservatives say this would end America as we know it. Why do liberals want this passed? Because they want a nanny state, welfare state that has the government doing everything for everybody without any free market influence at all. Conservatives want the government to butt out and let American innovation fix this problem like we have with every other problem we have faced. As a great man (Ronal Reagan) once said, “The ten most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m here from the government and I’m here to help.’” Look at what the government has done for us over the past 100 years: Social Security: Broke, Medicare: Broke, Post Office: Broke, Subsidizing GM: Broke and getting overrun by unions, Bailouts: Wasted, Stimulus: Wasted. Wanna tell me that government can run health care? Go ahead, make my day!

Obama To Push For Abortion Funding

November 15, 2009

The amendment, authored by Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., went beyond preventing the proposed government-run plan from covering abortion to restrict federal subsidies from going toward private plans that offer abortion coverage. White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod states that Obama will work to strip the amendment from the health care bill because the amendment changes the ‘status quo’ and Obama can’t abide by that.

Wait! Didn’t Obama promise change when he took over? But now he wants to keep the status quo the same? What about hope and change for the unborn Mr. Obama? What about hope for the pre-born victims of the slaughter that they have no voice in stopping? Where’s the hope and change NObama?

This is nothing new. Obama is the most liberal senator and now president in the history of our Republic. Why should we expect him to stand up for the unborn? He, and his party, have made it perfectly clear that they only care about representing those that will vote for them and pay taxes. Since the unborn don’t pay taxes, can’t vote and won’t sing Obama’s praises like propagandized victims of brainwashing, they have no worth to the valueless liberals in the Democrat party.

I salute Bart Stupak for standing up for the unborn by trying to get this amendment into the bill. But with his own party against him, there is little chance that it will be implemented and most odds are towards if any bill gets passed, it’ll include federal funding for abortion. This is the key sticking point with many blue-dogs that have conservatives backing them in their districts. If there is abortion funding in the bill, it could doom it. But idiots Pelosi, ReDe and Obama don’t care. They want their radical leftist health care bill regardless of whether the American people want it or not.

America needs to stand up and say, federal funding for abortion is WRONG!!! Even if you are pro-choice you should be fundamentally opposed to making someone else pay for abortions. This is about abortion whether Obama wants to admit to it. People should not be forced to pay for someone else’s abortion. It is violating our moral and religious rights to not fund someone else’s murder. Dems and libs better pick up on that or there will be a BIG year for Republicans next year.

Friday Random Thoughts

November 13, 2009

Friday night has officially become random thought night where I spill my guts on the random things I’m thinking about. It may seem jumbled, it may seem worthless but you know that it is random.

Tomorrow is Saturday. That means for most red blooded American men that we are going to wake up to a full day of college football. For us in Ohio there are two possible outcomes. 1. We can mourn or celebrate a Cincinnati win or loss to West Virginia or, 2. We can prepare for the game that will determine whether the Buckeyes (OH!) are going to the Rose Bowl for the first time in Jim Tressel’s tenure (I-O!). Since I couldn’t give a darn about cincy, it’s all about the Buckeyes baby. My prediction is that the Buckeyes D will show up AGAIN and our O will get it rolling. We’ll be heading to the Rose Bowl by 6:00 P.M. with a 31-10 win.

Politics can be a depressing issue. However it is one that I follow and cover with gusto since it affects the lives of millions of Americans everyday. The latest tidbit is that Janet Napolitano is pushing amnesty again over the objections of the American people. She has declared victory over illegal immigration and states that now is the time to push comprehensive immigration reform. Ultimately there could be a bill by 2010.

I cannot understand guys who think they look good in long hair. Where do they get these notions? The only guys that look good with long hair are Guy Penrod from The Gaithers and… well if I think of any more I’ll let you know.

Technology certainly has progressed since even three years ago. Windows 7 is the best thing my 3 year old laptop has seen. It is stable, fast, responsive, compatible and aesthetically pleasing. While my PC ran okay with Vista, it screams with 7. The networking is easier, the programs are more responsive and Lord knows the UAC is better. My vote is that this is the best Windows version in a very long time. Maybe tied with XP and WORLDS better than Vista.

On a more somber note, we are now finding more and more that ties Nidal Hassan to terrorism and terrorists. Most recently we found out that his business cards were emblazoned with the initials SoA. This stands for nothing but Soldier of Allah. The military didn’t catch it. The FBI didn’t catch it. Do you know why? Because we live in such a PC country that you can’t ask questions about someone’s religion without bringing the wrath of the ACLU on your head. We need to get back to common sense instead of this political correctness baloney. If they would just have looked into him and his religion a little more, thirteen people would still be alive.

Lastly, it seems the last bastions of journalism are increasingly limited to people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. (Not to mention An Informed Mind) No one seems to notice that Hassan was a radical MUSLIM and they are afraid to mention his religion. Americans know that there are a lot of good Muslims out there. But we also want to know that this evil we are fighting is Islamic Jihad, Islamofascism. All the 9/11 hijackers were Muslim, Hassan is Muslim and everyone that carried out the London, Madrid and Bombay bombings were Muslim. Until we open our eyes and realize that we are fighting radicalized Islam, we are going to continue to suffer these attacks.

There are my random thoughts. Feel free to comment and give me some of your own randomness. God Bless you all and GO BUCKEYES!!!

Charge For No Health Insurance!

November 11, 2009

If President Obama gets his way, you could very well be penalized with fines and potentially even jail time if you don’t buy into health insurance, even if you can’t afford it.

President Obama in an interview with Jake Tapper of ABC news said this: “I think the general broad principle is simply that people who are paying for their health insurance aren’t subsidizing folks who simply choose not to until they get sick and then suddenly they expect free health insurance. That’s — that’s basic concept of responsibility that I think most Americans abide by,” Mr. Obama said, “penalties are appropriate for people who try to free ride the system and force others to pay for their health insurance.”

Later, Obama stated that he didn’t think jail time for those that do not buy insurance is not the “biggest issue”.

America, we are on the verge of having a despotic government that will fine and potentially jail you if you don’t buy something they tell you to buy, when they tell you to buy it and where. THIS IS NOT WHAT THE FOUNDERS INTENDED! They knew firsthand of the tyranny of government when left unchecked. They experienced it from England who was nearly a half a world away. We are right underneath the government’s thumb. We can see the bottom of the slope and it looks eerily similar to Orwell’s 1984. In fact that book is where we glean the phrase Big Brother. Big Brother is the tyrannical government of Oceania that knows everything about its people, tells them what to think and what to do. Sounds like what our government is becoming right?

We have the right to flood D.C. with emails, phone calls and letters telling them to STOP VOTING FOR MORE GOVERNMENT! This health care bill is nothing more than the newest power grab by politicians who are doing nothing but trampling the Constitution. It is completely unconstitutional and they have no power to do so. We need to tell them that if they keep voting for such power grabs they will be kicked out of office come next year. Trust me.

We do not want a government big enough to give us everything. As someone wise once said, “A government large enough to give us everything is large enough to take everything away.”

Union Thugocracy!

November 4, 2009

Unions have a long history of shaking down the very businesses that employ the union’s members. UAW shakes down GM, throws retirees under the bus for the sake of the union boss and helps force GM, an iconic company that used to be the epitome of American capitalism, into bankruptcy. SEIU shakes down everybody they go near. SEIU has strict ties with ACORN, the disgraced community organizing firm whose slimy tentacles have fed democratic campaign coffers and advised faux prostitutes and johns on how to skirt laws. But no one wants to take on Big Labor. Why?

Could it be because if you get in their way, purple shirted thugs from the SEIU might find you and put a beatdown on you like they did to an unfortunate victim in this clip: