The Great Union Hypocrisy

June 7, 2010

My tirade and assault on the unions; nay their corrupt political arms, continues. With a recent piece of literature *cough propaganda cough* coming through my mail box today, I opened it to find a new wave of insults and derogatory remarks aimed at the tea party people. Now, to clear any confusion, I am not a member of a tea party group. However, I FULLY support their ideals and see them as trying to rightfully reclaim their country from a bureaucratic monstrosity and big government bent on spending us into oblivion. Anyway, this union assails to good people from the tea party with statements such as these: “Their paranoia and hatred for anything to do with President Obama have blinded them to the point of a sort of mass hysteria that I believe is a social phenomenon this country hasn’t seen since the days of McCarthyism.” Where do I start? First off, I haven’t seen a whole ton of ‘mass hysteria’ from the tea party. Nope, all I see is a bunch of flag waving and singing patriotic songs. Hmm… are those crazy people patriotic? Nope, jingoistic and nationalist. Shame on those filthy, backwards bomb throwers and rabble-rousers.

Secondly, I think that the anti-war loons from Vietnam through the Iraq war would more so qualify for ‘mass hysteria’, especially the ones that carried signs portraying Bush as Hitler or with a bullet through his forehead. Maybe the Watts or LA rioters. Still drawing blanks unnamed union official?

“The ugliness being stirred up in our Country by the tea baggers needs to stop. The rest of the world sees us as tea baggers and not the kind- hearted people that we are. Just before Tim McVeigh, the mood in the country was ugly as well. Wake up people!” This one I’m really getting sick of. The only ugliness that’s being stirred up is being opened by leftists like *unnamed union official* who constantly refer to tea partiers by a sexualized slur. The same people that are ‘kind- hearted people that we are’ are the ones defaming the tea partiers that have legitimate and substantial worries about the direction our country is heading in. And why is it that every time a conservative (or conservative group) raises hackles about something the left brings up Timothy McVeigh? We conservatives don’t bring up the Black Panthers or Bill Ayers. Also, do you really think grandma’s gonna whip out a Magnum .357 or Uzi from her purse and mow down a bunch of politicos? Maybe we should be concentrating on people like, oh I don’t know… Nidal Hassan or Abdul Malik Mohammed Hussein… heck with it, the boxer bomber? Not every time an atmosphere is ugly it ends in violence, nope, sometimes it ends in political hacks losing their jobs, like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are poised for.

“It seems the public is tiring of the anti-Obama rhetoric, but that doesn’t mean it will go away…” Before I continue with this whopper, I had to bring something up. ‘It won’t go away’? You mean like that health care bill from the devil? The one that 65%+ of Americans didn’t want yet was shoved down our throats? Yeah, he knows what he’s talking about. “…Certainly if the economy improves month by month, then the hypocrisy of the teabaggers will become more visible to the public because they’ll realize that the bottom line is that the majority of the teabaggers, for whatever reason, either strongly dislike or simply hate Barack Obama.” Uh-huh. If the economy improves month by month, yeah that’s a big ‘if’ dummy. Especially considering that out of the 400,000 jobs we added in April or May or whatever month it was, 90%+ of them were temp. Census jobs. ‘WOW! Honey, I was just hired to the Census bureau. Only problem… I’ll be out of work in 6 weeks.’ Yeah, economy’s really looking up. Uh-huh. Maybe the economy is not getting better because we didn’t spend enough money on it. Yeah, that’s it. We need to spend more money. So here’s the deal, we’ll spend $20,000,000,000,000 to bail EVERYBODY out and then there’ll be enough money to go around and companies will hire and world hunger will be eradicated etc. The only minor side effect? Our dollars will be worth, oh say… 1/10th of a Zimbabwean dollar. (If that doesn’t register, a hamburger in Zimbabwe costs 10 trillion Zimbabwean dollars. An egg costs 500 billion.) But darn them teabagging rednecks, they just hate Obama because ‘AAAAHHHH there’s a bleck mann in da whyite hause!!!!!’ Give me a break.

You see my fellow Americans, union leadership is corrupt as a rule. Members in unions are just like everyday Americans. They want their kids to be safe and to have a better life than they had. They want America to be free and prosperous. Most probably have conservative views. But the union leadership has become nothing but a political pawn, a shill, a sheeple for the Democratic Socialist party of America. They should not be taken seriously anymore.

Unionists’ Hypocrisy

February 9, 2010

The unions are up to it again, bashing every non-union workplace they can find. In the most recent issue of the local UAW newsletter they proudly bash a local store chain as well as Marc’s and Walmart. Here’s what ticks me off the most, this local store chain is HIRING and I’m trying to find a job there, among other places. For people like me, who have no jobs and are looking for anything right now, the stinkin’ union is doing more harm than good. But that is typical of the union. Unions have for the longest time been looking out for themselves and themselves alone. To heck with the unemployed, to heck with their own company as long as they can suck the blood out before it dies.

But the hypocrisy part comes in above the plea to not shop at non-union shops. In BIG, BOLD letters is the statement “SUPPORT AMERICAN WORKERS THIS HOLIDAY SEASON”. Now isn’t that the height of hypocrisy? They would have you believe that the union has a monopoly on American workers? What a crock! American workers are by and large NON-UNION. Perhaps the ad should have stated “SUPPORT OUR FAT CAT UNION BOSS AND HIS CRONIES THIS HOLIDAY SEASON”.

Now I don’t mind if they say to support unionized markets or whatever. Really I don’t. It’s their free speech right to do so. Sure I think that unions pretty much foul up everything their hands touch but that’s their prerogative. However, when they basically advocate a boycott against a reputable, respectful business that is HIRING in a bad economy, you can be #@&! sure that I’m ticked off. There are a lot of people that would love to have a job from this small business and couldn’t care less if there was a dang union involved. If people boycott this business, that means less profit for the company and as a result fewer or no hiring. When was the last time the stinkin’ union employed somebody? Or wait, the employment comes from the companies that they screw. That’s why they call them union ‘members’ rather than union ’employees’; because the union doesn’t hire ANYBODY! So if you want to talk to me about supporting American workers, I’ll do it. I’ll shop at that business that’s hiring. In fact I’ll do it just to stick my thumb in the eye of the union boss.

Americans need to realize that the unions are nothing more than a mouthpiece for the liberal/progressive movement. They may have served a purpose years ago, but they’ve long since stopped looking out for the working man. I’d trust the CEO nowadays more than the union boss. Shame on the UAW for bashing a employer that actually treats his workers right, WITHOUT THE UNION THUGS!

Union Busting

December 19, 2009

   The Unions have grown far too powerful. While unions used to represent workers in their quest for fair hours and fair pay, now their main uses are shaking down business and lobbying for the Democrat party. Anyone disagree with me? Look at any major unions’ past support for politicians. Do you see any more than about 5% of Republicans endorsed by the unions? I found one Republican endorsed by the UAW local

   So what am I saying? I’m saying that we need a few good men (or women) left in the Senate or the House that will say ‘The unions have gone too far’. I think Americans are turning en masse from the leftist agendas of the Democrats and the unions.

   I know this for a fact, there is still a market for American cars, but maybe the market’s not there for GM cars. It hurts because I love the Chevy brand and have always loved the Silverado as a truck. But the markets dictate, in a free country, what is sold and what falls by the wayside. I won’t say that the Chevy and Cadillac brands will fall away. But GM needs to take a look at longtime rival Ford and model themselves after Ford and maybe a little after the foreign carmakers that are thriving in the recession. No one wants to buy cars from a government run company. GM is now essentially a government owned company, and having the CEO put in place by the government certainly doesn’t make it look any better.

   But this isn’t about GM, Ford or the government. It’s about the leftist unions growing grip on politics and the Democrat party. It used to be the unions stood up for their workers and wanted a fair wage for a honest day’s work. Now unions want exorbitant pay for less work and more benefits. Autoworkers in a GM plant have more robotic help at this point than they have ever had in the past, yet they are paid more for doing less and complaining the whole time. And it makes me ever more angry when honest guys like myself can’t find a job to save our souls yet union members get paid $20+ an hour and complain about the work. The financial secretary of the local UAW recently complained and moaned in the union newsletter that he was getting old and that his ‘legs just aren’t what they used to be.’ Uh, what’s that got to do with the union or union finances? Union members, while I think they are mostly okay and not nearly as corrupt as the Big Union bosses, are steeped in the art of complaining. They think they are entitled to ever increasing pay at ever lightening loads and ever more benefits.

   You want to tell me that unions have helped whatever industry or field they work in? Look at Detroit public schools. Almost all schools are unionized by the teacher’s unions. In Detroit 69% of 1900 4th and 8th grade students that were randomly tested scored BELOW AVERAGE. The National Assessment of Educational Progress has a test that is comprised of two parts. The first part grades the average of the students from 1-500. The second part of the test ranks the students from ‘below basic’ to ‘advanced’.  On the first part of the test the national average is 239, Detroit public school students scored an average of 200. On the second part, 67% of 4th graders were ranked ‘below basic’ but even more sickening is that 77% of 8th graders were ranked ‘below basic’.

   Well you might say, ‘oh but that’s not the unions fault!’ Really? You want me to believe that? Oh yes, it is the unions fault. Here’s the ugly truth. The unions keep mediocre to downright worthless teachers on their rolls due to the fact that it is so dang hard to fire a teacher that the state doesn’t bother. So, what do we have now? We have idiot teachers that couldn’t teach a bird how to sing and as a result the poor people of Detroit can’t afford to take their kids to private schools. So now we have unionized idiots trying to ‘teach’ our students and are getting nowhere yet are continually supported by the unions who are in it for nothing but more union dues. See where I’m going with this?

   Unions have ruined the public school system. We used to be one of the envies of the world because of our teachers that wanted to teach and wanted to get young minds to think and analyze and become all that they could. The unions came in like the Grinch on Christmas Eve, took all the money and left imbeciles in the classrooms. Now, instead of having teachers like Anne Sullivan, we have teachers that are having relationships with students and raking in the pay.

   Unions have ruined GM. Look at the CEOs. Everyone says blame the CEO because they’re paid so much money they HAVE to be the cause of GM collapsing. Not really because Toyota, Audi, Nissan etc. all have handsomely paid CEOs. So did GM and so does Ford. The one thing present in GM that isn’t in the foreign companies is the union. Non-unionized car companies are turning a profit and are set to come out of the recession just fine. Yet GM, once the pride of American manufacturing is shriveling and dying. Why? The union arm-twisting and shakedowns of GM cost them big time. The cost of GM cars went beyond what foreign cars cost at the same quality. Foreign companies were not hamstrung with pricey environmental quality taxes. Yet unions try to shift the blame to the fat-cat, capitalist pigs at the top. One word… puh-lease.

   I used to think that Bush was a moron for trying to bust up the unions. Maybe now we need a little good ole fashioned union-busting.  

The Cause of UAW’s Life!

November 6, 2009

The new Solidarity magazine has arrived, and their is a lot of fresh meat for me to tear the union apart with.

This new magazine has a message from Ron Gettelfinger on the inside of the cover. He talks about health care through the usual union eyeballs.

“…it’s also missing… a strong public health insurance option, which would lower premiums by ensuring real competition among health insurers.” The UAW’s president here states that a strong public option would lower premiums by ensuring competition. DON’T MAKE ME LAUGH Ronnie boy!!! Does he actually think union members are stupid enough to believe that line? Does HE believe it? Fact: We were told that there would be 120 million doses of the H1N1 shot by October, there was 20 some, a 77% decrease in the stated efficiency. What the government wants to do a lot of they don’t meet their expectations yet when they say it is only going to cost so much, its costs EXPLODE.

There is basically nothing in the article that represents facts. The only thing he says factually is “Taxing worker’s benefits is wrong.” Yup. RIGHT ON BROTHA!!! PREACH IT!!! Okay, everything else is blather.

Why doesn’t the union see that the Democrat health bill will bankrupt the country? Are they so enamored by golden boy Obama that they’ll take his word on everything? Do they think that the union boss knows better than 57%+ of Americans? The truth is, the cause of the UAW’s life is bankrupting companies to take them over and evidently now it is also bankrupting the country to fill their own coffers. Despicable. More to come when I have more time.

Union Thugocracy!

November 4, 2009

Unions have a long history of shaking down the very businesses that employ the union’s members. UAW shakes down GM, throws retirees under the bus for the sake of the union boss and helps force GM, an iconic company that used to be the epitome of American capitalism, into bankruptcy. SEIU shakes down everybody they go near. SEIU has strict ties with ACORN, the disgraced community organizing firm whose slimy tentacles have fed democratic campaign coffers and advised faux prostitutes and johns on how to skirt laws. But no one wants to take on Big Labor. Why?

Could it be because if you get in their way, purple shirted thugs from the SEIU might find you and put a beatdown on you like they did to an unfortunate victim in this clip:

Unions: A Threat to Our Freedom

October 25, 2009

My friends, I have not always been anti-union. I once, mistakenly, thought that unions rea lly were fighting for the ‘little guy’ and that if it weren’t for the unions the corporate heavies and CEOs would shaft the working stiffs as bad as they wanted. But now I realize, hey, the unions are as bad if not worse to the average worker than the management is. Allow me to explain.

The UAW, SEIU, AFL-CIO and every other union it seems is for the Employee Free Choice Act (which shall hereafter be labeled as EFCA), which really has nothing to do with either employees or freedom. What it really is is a wordplay because if it sounded like what it would actually do, people would be running for the doors and gnashing their teeth at the demise of our democracy. Let me break it down further for you and give you all the nitty gritty that Big Labor doesn’t want you to know.

Myth #1: The EFCA would make unionizing easier and workers would have more rights as a result. Truth #1: While it would make unionizing easier, the way it would be done is shady and underhanded and denies workers the most basic and fundamental rights of democracy. With this bill tops on the union bosses list of things to get done with their ‘progressive’ allies in congress, every American should inspect it and take note of the loss of rights through its passage. The bill would force companies to allow a simple card check to allow unionization. With it, employees of the company would sign cards if they wanted a union, those who oppose the union simply would not sign. Sound harmless? I didn’t think so. This puts those that don’t want to join at risk of union intimidation… (NO!!! They wouldn’t do that!!! They want to help the little guy!!! Watch the video of an SEIU thug beating up on a town hall protester. You might change your mind.) and those that do accept the union are open to discrimination from management. Also, it would do away with elections, if the majority signs the cards, BAM! Unionized. Now isn’t that just great?! Let’s do away with that quaint little concept of democracy and secret ballots!

Myth #2: Card check would still allow private elections. Truth #2: While this is quasi-true, a big, fat, stinky lie is wrapped in a thin veil of truthfulness. Unions state that they don’t do elections unless there is a 65-80% show of interest in unionizing and card check would allow unionization with just a majority of cards. This means that workers cannot demand an election without becoming union. With current law 30% or higher signed cards means that an election is called. When the election is done, private balloting determines the future of the unionization drive. But with EFCA, if less than 50% sign the cards an election is called. However, if more than 50% sign, the union is recognized, eliminating the right to an election. Since unions do not allow elections with less than 50% (because unions win only 8% of elections called with less than 40% interest) than would almost completely eliminate the election. So while elections could still happen, union bosses would determine the types of union organized drives and determine when to submit the cards or not to at all. This takes ALL rights away from the workers and employers and puts them into the hands of the union.

Now those myths and truths are enough to prove that EFCA is bad for the workers, the employer and the economy at large. The only ones that would benefit is *gasp* the unions. No wonder the UAW, SEIU, AFL-CIO are all supporting it. They don’t care about workers, they care about padding their own pockets.

When union people see this they are going to go crazy. They’ll call me racist, sexist, anti-worker, pro-CEO, conservative elitist born with a silver spoon in my mouth, living in Bel-Aire, chewing on caviar, French speakin’, polo playin’, Gulfstream jet ridin’, Toyota drivin’, gun totin’, exotic animal hunting rich guy who just hates anyone cutting into my profit. Tell you the truth, nothing above is true. I don’t have a silver spoon in my mouth because my dad was in the UAW, I live in Ohio, never tasted caviar, can’t say a word in French (and proud of it!), hate polo, hate Toyota, and have never seen an exotic animal in person. But the truth is liberals and progressives and union heavies are more out of touch with Americans than the conservatives are. Because unlike the union bosses, Americans like elections, private ballots and free choice when they vote. Unlike unions Americans don’t want to be pressured to vote either way and want their consciences to be the only things that are swaying their vote. Unlike unions, Americans don’t hate CEOs just because they make money and Americans also know that business is not evil. Unlike the unions, Americans don’t think unions are inextricably tied to the economy and don’t believe that whenever unions suffer, the economy follows suit.

The EFCA isn’t about worker’s rights, except in infringing upon them. This is about advancing unions and lining the pockets of Big Labor to support liberals and progressives for congress. Unions have stated in the past their contempt for Ronald Reagan because of the PATCO air traffic controller strike, yet they deny that he lead our country through 8 years of prosperity. Their iconic favorite… Jimmy Carter. The hypocrisy of it all is astounding. Americans need to stand up and say ‘NO WAY are you taking away our rights to a free and fair election, and you’re not going to intimidate or harass me if I don’t sign.’ Until Americans stand up to unions, they will continue to trample or attempt to trample our rights. Stay tuned, this could very well heat up in coming months.

You know what I’m gonna be?

October 24, 2009

Halloween is almost upon us and many people are trying to figure out just what scary creature they are going to be to creep out their neighbors, friends and family. I have a costume so scary you’ll want to hide the little kiddies and think twice before you close your eyes to sleep…

My costume is going to be… the state of the country circa 2011 if the dems aren’t voted out. *SCREAMS IN TERROR* No really, this is a very terrifying outlook if we allow the liberal Democrats in office to stay. They are the ones that are trying to ram another trillion dollar bill down our throats in the form of health care, trying to kill American industry by forcing expensive and nation destroying cap and trade, nationalizing GM and giving control to the unions and trying to destroy the free and unbiased press by marginalizing Fox and trying to reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine. Is this something you want America to look like?

In truth, it would be kind of hard to come up with a costume that would sum up those frightful yet very possible realities if the Dems aren’t voted out. Now, Democrats alone aren’t the ones to blame, Republicans need to get back to acting like Republicans and I see good signs from them. America has a very frightening and bleak future if we don’t get back to government small enough you can stick it in your back pocket and it not stick you when you sit down. But we can do it, and we need to flood the White House, Senate and House with phone calls about our concerns and let our representatives and elected officials know that if they don’t stop spending our money unlawfully, they will be kicked to the curb faster than the printing presses are printing money.

UAW Dreamin’

October 16, 2009

Yes my friends, today I received the See Here magazine for October. As I think I mentioned before somewhere (See Hall of Shame), my dad worked with the UAW and as a retiree he gets the magazine unless opting out. I’m glad he keeps the mag. for it gives me fresh ammo in my ongoing war with them. Now, to the misinformation and slander…

The President’s Report by the president of the local union starts out giving out the usual hullabaloo about how proud he is of Obama visiting the plant and how proud he is of the plant workers for treating Obama with respect and all that baloney. But what happens next is classic union, leftist work. He slobbers over how much an Obama signed Cobalt would go for on ebay. (I’d complain if I got it, but that’s just me.) After that comes the ra-ras for new CEO imposed by the Obama magistra… err, administration. Shortly thereafter he praises the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (You know? The one that has $3,000 signs springing up all over the country. Yeah that one) for having “cut taxes, provided emergency relief by extending unemployment benefits to laid off workers, and investing heavily in infrastructure improvements and new projects.” Doesn’t it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and want to hug Obama and never let him go??? Me neither! The fact is, the ‘new projects’ and ‘infrastructure improvements’ are actually re-paving roads that don’t need it and throwing up hundreds of signs in the most inopportune places. Yeah, don’t you just love it?

And then he goes overboard. He attacks the tea party protesters. But he does it subtly without a direct attack because he would probably find a few of them in his own plant. He calls them ‘tea-baggers’, a sexualized slur denoting despicable actions. If he would call them by their preferred name, I might not find it as offensive. (Mind you, the ‘teabaggers’ name was popularized by the likes of liberal talking head Keith Olbermann on MSNBC in the 9:00 PM EST time slot. Watch the vitriol for a few minutes, it’ll make you MAD, I guarantee it.)

After some more of the sickening rhetoric that makes you think you’re in the middle of a sappy love story, comes THIS doozy: “Most of all it is the understanding he brings to the table when talking about how we deserve better than the attitude that has prevailed from Washington to the boardrooms of big corporations. Attitudes that have rewarded wealth over work, selfishness over sacrifice, and greed over responsibility.” There’s a shot at those greedy, evil, rich, horrible monsters of capitalism. Uh-huh, uh-huh. And what about UAW President Ron Gettlefinger who reportedly makes over $150,000 a year. Is he not rich? Well of course not when you compare him to those evil CEOs making millions per year. Right? Well you see, the thing with that is, CEOs have to actually RUN the company. I say, sure maybe those CEOs would make good by refusing some of the money when people are suffering but it is their right to make money and I don’t begrudge them that. If I became CEO of some major company, I think I’d appreciate the big money myself. But I digress.

And then, just when we thought the president of the local union couldn’t outdo himself… he does. HE BASHES THE ENTIRE AMERICAN PUBLIC!!! “Then the economy imploded, right in front of the American people, who collectively seemed a caricature of the three monkeys (see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil). This would be funny if it wasn’t so @#$% denigrating to the people that are buying the products off of GM and it’s lousy union.

Lastly, he mentions getting all the UNION people back to work. “We will not rest until ALL members of this union are back to work.” Wait, I thought the union was for getting Americans back to work? Well it seems it doesn’t matter who the union employs, as long as they’re union. Stay tuned for more union coverage AND more coverage about my ongoing war with the union.

UPDATE: On the UAW website:, Ron Gettelfinger states that affordable health care is a right not a privilege. Hey Ron, ever read the Constitution or Bill of Rights? Hint: It’s not in there. So as much as bleeding heart liberals want you to believe it, health care is a privilege for those that pay, not a right for everyone to obtain at the financial expense of others.